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Thanks to all who participated in the FOAM Cup.

There were 475 entries judged and 160 registered participants, judges, and stewards.

Best of Show Winners

Best of Show – Beer

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stRoss DruckenmillerHold The Lime2A: International Pale LagerBoston Wort Processors
2ndDarren VaughnBully Moose8A: Munich DunkelFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)
3rdKen MorrisDoppelgänger 9A: DoppelbockRed Earth Brewers
HMMike & Stephanie ButlerLate Train To Vienna7A: Vienna LagerKansas City Bier Meisters

Best of Show – Mead/Cider

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stNathan SteigmanNajsłodszy GrzechM4B: Historical MeadMinnesota Home Brewers Association
2ndMac ButcherMonkey MeadM3B: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable MeadFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)
3rdGeorge Turner
Co-Brewer: Michigan Mead Coalition Barrel Project
Mmc Barrel ProjectM2A: CyserKuhnhenn Guild of Brewers (KGB)
HMBill BoyerThe Eldritchberry TerrorsC2B: Cider with Other FruitNorth Georgia Malt Monkeys

Winning Entries

Table 1: Standard American Beer (8 entries)

1stJordan ReedSchweederson's Gold1B: American LagerDiablo Order of Zymiracle Enthusiasts (DOZE)
2ndMike & Stephanie ButlerDream Cream1C: Cream AleKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdKC MckinneyAmerican Wasted1A: American Light LagerIowa Brewers Union

Table 2: International Lager and Pre-Prohibition Lager (13 entries)

1stRoss DruckenmillerHold The Lime2A: International Pale LagerBoston Wort Processors
2ndJamye Naramore
Co-Brewer: Cody Naramore
Persona Non Grata2C: International Dark LagerKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdMac ButcherIn One There Is Many2A: International Pale LagerFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)

Table 3: Czech Lager (6 entries)

1stColin PashiaCzech One Two3D: Czech Dark LagerBrew Stooges
2ndMichael Fagan
Co-Brewer: Connie Fagan
Bubba3B: Czech Premium Pale LagerKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdSamuel Kanthak
Co-Brewer: Brian Ballantine Tim Kiemle Jayson Gowdy
This One Czech Out3D: Czech Dark LagerNash St Homebrew Club

Table 4: Pale Malty European Lager (11 entries)

1stFrank T MitchellIt Ain’t Helen… Georgia 4B: FestbierBeat-12 Brewing Co
2ndMike & Stephanie ButlerThe Road To Munich4A: Munich HellesKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdAndrew WeaverMotherfester4C: Helles BockLift A Leg Homemade Beer

Table 5: Pale Bitter European Beer (12 entries)

1stKC MckinneyWind Of Change5D: German PilsIowa Brewers Union
2ndKevin OlsonDortmunder Exportbier5C: German ExportbierZZHops Homebrewing Club
3rdAlan RotenKolsch5B: KolschRed Earth Brewers

Table 6: Marzen and Kentucky Common (17 entries)

1stChad MedfordFo' Schnitzel6A: MarzenRed Earth Brewers
2ndKevin OlsonCommon Cents27A6: Kentucky CommonZZHops Homebrewing Club
3rdDrew TempletonHundfest6A: MarzenIowa Brewers Union

Table 7: Amber Bitter European Beer (14 entries)

1stMike & Stephanie ButlerLate Train To Vienna7A: Vienna LagerKansas City Bier Meisters
2ndMac ButcherZwickel This! Zoigyl That7C: KellerbierFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)
3rdKen MorrisAlt You Glad You Drank It7B: AltbierRed Earth Brewers

Table 8: Dark European Lager (12 entries)

1stDarren VaughnBully Moose8A: Munich DunkelFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)
2ndJamye Naramore
Co-Brewer: Cody Naramore
Night Train8A: Munich DunkelKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdRandy DanielsSchwarzbier8B: SchwarzbierIowa Brewers Union

Table 9: Strong European Beer (12 entries)

1stKen MorrisDoppelgänger 9A: DoppelbockRed Earth Brewers
2ndPeter PolczynskiVery Restless Thief9A: DoppelbockFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)
3rdEric MartinBaltic9C: Baltic PorterKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 10: German Wheat Beer (13 entries)

1stEric MartinWeizen10C: WeizenbockKansas City Bier Meisters
2ndJamye Naramore
Co-Brewer: Cody Naramore
Eric Martin's Yeast10A: WeissbierKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdGerad MillerGermany Has Declared War On the Jones Boys10A: WeissbierMiddletown Area Society of Homebrewers

Table 11: British Bitter and Pale Commonwealth Beer (17 entries)

1stEric MartinBitter11B: Best BitterKansas City Bier Meisters
2ndGiovanni PivaSmashing London11C: Strong BitterSTL Brewhogs
3rdPaul AldrichThe British Are Coming11C: Strong Bitter

Table 12: Brown British Beer (12 entries)

1stFritz SchanzStearman's English Brown Ale13B: English Brown AleNorth Texas Homebrewers Association
2ndCory MartinNut Brown Ale13B: English Brown AleIowa Brewers Union
3rdManfred StanfieldManfred's Porter13C: English PorterNash St Homebrew Club

Table 13: Irish Beer and Scottish Ale (19 entries)

1stDirk MontgomeryBoerne Brown15B: Irish StoutRed Earth Brewers
2ndSteve HartmanBack To the Shack15A: Irish Red AleCascade Brewers Guild
3rdChad MedfordScottish Export14C: Scottish ExportRed Earth Brewers

Table 14: Dark British Beer (9 entries)

2ndJarrett Long
Co-Brewer: John Bates
Stineagaddon16B: Oatmeal StoutHorsemen of the Hopocalypse
3rdMac ButcherOkiemeal Stout16B: Oatmeal StoutFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)

Table 15: Strong British Ale (9 entries)

1stJamye Naramore
Co-Brewer: Cody Naramore
Just A Number17B: Old AleKansas City Bier Meisters
2ndDirk MontgomeryLeft Yer Kelt17C: Wee HeavyRed Earth Brewers
3rdJoe VincentBabblin' In the Snow17A: British Strong AleFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)

Table 16: Pale American Ale (10 entries)

1stChad MedfordPrecarious Pale Ale18B: American Pale AleRed Earth Brewers
2ndPeter PolczynskiGary Told Me Not To Use Maris Otter18B: American Pale AleFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)
3rdBo BennettTao of Pooh18B: American Pale AleCentral Arkansas Fermenters

Table 17: Amber and Brown American Beer (14 entries)

1stEric MartinAmber19A: American Amber AleKansas City Bier Meisters
2ndRandy DanielsAmerican Amber Ale19A: American Amber AleIowa Brewers Union
HMTom Hannan
Co-Brewer: Ann Hannan
Ts Gordon Brown Ale19C: American Brown AleSTL Brewhogs

Table 18: American Porter and Stout (19 entries)

1stMac ButcherPorter Potty20A: American PorterFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)
2ndKim HynekHammerhead20B: American StoutRed Earth Brewers
3rdDirk MontgomeryTsar's Choice20C: Imperial StoutRed Earth Brewers
HMDeborah PrichardWestern Pleasure20A: American PorterRed Earth Brewers

Table 19: India Pale Ale and Clone Beer (25 entries)

1stSteve SchemberPilgrims21B7: New England IPABoston Wort Processors
2ndPatrick RamseyBarnyard Dance21B7: New England IPA
3rdJamye Naramore
Co-Brewer: Cody Naramore
Why'd You Have To Go And Make Things So Complicated?21B2: Black IPAKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 20: Strong American Ale and English Barleywine (9 entries)

1stCaleb LeeIt's Gonna Be Yuge!22A: Double IPARed Earth Brewers
2ndDonald Bing
Co-Brewer: Jackie Rager
Covid Delight17D: English BarleywineKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdEric MartinHarvest22D: WheatwineKansas City Bier Meisters
HMBrandon JonesAmber Waves22D: WheatwineRed Earth Brewers

Table 21: European Sour Ale - Gose - American Wild Ale (21 entries)

1stJarrett Long
Co-Brewer: John Bates
I Stand With Bretty 28A: Brett BeerHorsemen of the Hopocalypse
2ndChad MedfordJust Peachy!28C: Wild Specialty BeerRed Earth Brewers
3rdDrew TempletonDerp Face28C: Wild Specialty BeerIowa Brewers Union

Table 22: Belgian Ale (7 entries)

1stDominick DufnerBiere de Jenze24C: Biere de GardeSTL Brewhogs
2ndJay HighfillGet Jiggy Wit It24A: Witbier
3rdKevin Woodcock
Co-Brewer: Josharoux
Casey's Wit24A: WitbierChop & Brew

Table 23: Strong Belgian Ale (10 entries)

1stScot AhlersFarmhouse Skaka25B: Saison
2ndChad MedfordBelgian Blonde25A: Belgian Blond AleRed Earth Brewers
3rdDominick DufnerNelson's Saison25B: SaisonSTL Brewhogs

Table 24: Trappist Ale (25 entries)

1stJamye Naramore
Co-Brewer: Cody Naramore
Not As Good As I Once Was26D: Belgian Dark Strong AleKansas City Bier Meisters
2ndGerad MillerYou Fell Victim To One of the Classic Blunders26D: Belgian Dark Strong AleMiddletown Area Society of Homebrewers
3rdJordan ReedInner Monk26C: Belgian TripelDiablo Order of Zymiracle Enthusiasts (DOZE)
HMJoe DauriaPatersbier 202126A: Trappist SingleMetro South Homebrew League (MASH HOLES)

Table 25: Fruit Beer (24 entries)

1stJoel McGormleyTartnado 29A: Fruit Beer
2ndJoel McGormleyStrawberry Stumpy 29A: Fruit Beer
3rdFrank T MitchellVanilla Cyanidine29B: Fruit and Spice BeerBeat-12 Brewing Co

Table 26: Spiced Beer (29 entries)

1stAndrew WeaverBeet Ass Juice30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable BeerLift A Leg Homemade Beer
2ndCody CannonDevils Bock30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable BeerFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)
3rdGary ElliottRhu(barb) McClanahan30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable BeerFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)

Table 27: Alternative Fermentables Beer and Roggenbier (6 entries)

1stGary ElliottRye So Serious?31A: Alternative Grain BeerFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)
2ndMike & Stephanie ButlerIf You Do Not Succeed At First, Rye Again31A: Alternative Grain BeerKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdJamye Naramore
Co-Brewer: Cody Naramore
Catcher In The Rye31A: Alternative Grain BeerKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 28: Smoked Beer - Rauchbier - Historical Beer (13 entries)

1stJamye Naramore
Co-Brewer: Cody Naramore
Smoke 'em If You Got 'em32A: Classic Style Smoked BeerKansas City Bier Meisters
2ndGary ElliottRock'n'rausch6B: RauchbierFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)
3rdPeter PolczynskiJak Ta Wisi27A2: Piwo GrodziskieFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)

Table 29: Wood Beer and Experimental Beer (17 entries)

1stJarrett Long
Co-Brewer: John Bates
Aye Mate33B: Specialty Wood-Aged BeerHorsemen of the Hopocalypse
2ndDarren Vaughn
Co-Brewer: Travis Kirby
Dr. Schnockerd's Horizontal Lubricant 33B: Specialty Wood-Aged BeerFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)
3rdJarrett Long
Co-Brewer: John Bates
Jacked Up Big Baller Barleywine33A: Wood-Aged BeerHorsemen of the Hopocalypse

Table 30: Standard Cider and Perry (10 entries)

1stBill BoyerBeing There - Voss Variant C1A: New World CiderNorth Georgia Malt Monkeys
2ndBill BoyerBeing There - SafciderC1A: New World CiderNorth Georgia Malt Monkeys
3rdJordan ReedWho Is Perry?C1D: New World PerryDiablo Order of Zymiracle Enthusiasts (DOZE)

Table 31: Specialty Cider and Perry (11 entries)

1stBill BoyerThe Eldritchberry TerrorsC2B: Cider with Other FruitNorth Georgia Malt Monkeys
2ndChad MedfordTart Berry CiderC2B: Cider with Other FruitRed Earth Brewers
3rdGiovanni PivaBlack Pear CiderC2B: Cider with Other FruitSTL Brewhogs

Table 32: Traditional Mead (7 entries)

1stBill BoyerHoly Hand Grenade of AntiochM1C: Sweet MeadNorth Georgia Malt Monkeys
2ndMac ButcherMesquito M1C: Sweet MeadFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)
3rdRoger GibsonSwamp BlossomM1C: Sweet MeadKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 33: Fruit Mead (10 entries)

1stGeorge Turner
Co-Brewer: Michigan Mead Coalition Barrel Project
Mmc Barrel ProjectM2A: CyserKuhnhenn Guild of Brewers (KGB)
2ndBill BoyerSir Lancelot the Brave - V3M2B: PymentNorth Georgia Malt Monkeys
3rdPeter PolczynskiIts Had A Hard LifeM2B: PymentFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)

Table 34: Spiced Mead (13 entries)

1stMac ButcherMonkey MeadM3B: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable MeadFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)
2ndMac ButcherChile TodayM3B: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable MeadFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM)
3rdBill BoyerConstitutional PeasantsM3B: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable MeadNorth Georgia Malt Monkeys

Table 35: Specialty Mead (11 entries)

1stNathan SteigmanNajsłodszy GrzechM4B: Historical MeadMinnesota Home Brewers Association
2ndGeorge Turner
Co-Brewer: Michigan Mead Coalition Barrel Project
Mmc Barrel ProjectM4C: Experimental MeadKuhnhenn Guild of Brewers (KGB)
3rdBill BoyerBridge of DeathM4C: Experimental MeadNorth Georgia Malt Monkeys